If you’re at school or college, mental health care may be arranged for you.
Some mental health difficulties can be managed without the help of a GP. There are a variety of materials available online as well as local organisations that can help.
For teachers and school staff, there are resources available to build their skills on mental health and wellbeing.
Find activities to use during the coronavirus pandemic and resources to return to school.
If you are a parent and have concerns about your child’s mental health, please contact:
If your mental ill-health is related to stress at work, you can ask your employer what occupational health services are available to you.
Visit the Time to Change website, which has a section dedicated for employers.
Mental health services are free on the NHS, but sometimes you’ll need a referral from your GP to access them.
There are some mental health services that allow people to refer themselves. This commonly includes services for drug problems and alcohol problems, as well as talking therapies for those aged 18 and above.
Some mental health difficulties can be managed without the help of a GP. There are a variety of materials available online as well as local organisations that can help.
NHS South East London ICS, 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2TZ
NHS South East London brings together local health and care organisations and local councils to design care and improve population health, through shared leadership and collective action.